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   Fruit snacks ''Fruitino'' are healthy food products.
   They preserve all useful properties of fresh fruits. It makes possible to get healthy substances all around  the year.

          Тherapeutic  features:

  • Support  function of hearth and blood circulation  system.
  • Are good in case of deficit of iron and vitamins.
  • Normalize blood circulation, dilute blood, prevent occurrence of thrombus and reduce the content of cholesterol in blood.
  • Stabilize arterial pressure. Reduce the risk of cancer and brain stroke.
  • Top up the system, strengthen the immunity, protect against ageing and oncologic deceases.
  • Improve brain activity and memory.
  • Improve the function of digestion system.
  • Help to replenish the deficit of vitamins and healthy substances, especially during fall-winter period.
  • Contain natural useful types of sugar and are excellent substituent  of  industrial sweets such as cakes, cookies, candies etc.
  • Good for use in case of cold, viral, infectious and parasitic deceases and have purgative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory action.
  • They are effective for cleaning the system, clearing out heavy metals, radio-nuclides and free radicals.

    Fruit snacks ''Frutino'' are a natural concentrated source of vitamins.

    Healthy food is the main condition of healthy life-style!

    They are low calorie and contain huge amount of vitamins and micro-elements . Great deal of water and fiber contained in snacks is creating  satiety feeling.

    Fruit snacks ''Frutino'' are the most moderate source of vitamins and minerals in winter period and in early spring. Beside that these are most safe sweets for our body. They are tasty, healthy and nourishing. They are suitable as an additional ingredient for sweet dishes and various porridges. They can be used as a separate dish as well.